You can pay for your order using any of the following options:

  • Payment by credit/debit card through the VPOS of DSK or via PaybyLink. Types of cards accepted: debit, credit and business Visa and Mastercard cards. Transactions are carried out through the security programs MasterCard Identity check and VISA Secure. In terms of security, the maximum amount for payment by card is BGN 2,000. We do not store any credit and debit card information. The return of an amount paid by card is refunded to the same card;
  • Bank transfer to our account IBAN: BG72STSA93000029851126, BIC: STSABGSF, Bank: DSK Bank, Recipient: Three Dogs Ltd. Please include your ordere number as reason for payment;
  • Cash-on-delivery when using courier;
  • Using;
  • Using Revolut